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NEWS: [See all News]
William D'Huyvetters recalls hitting Omaha Beach on D-Day
Uncle Sam said he needed me. I was drafted into the Army and had basic training at Camp Croft, S.C., along with Henry Kissinger, the future secretary of state for Nixon. We called him Henny. He was a heck of a nice guy, a smart cookie. He wasn't in my company, but sure, I talked to him. Read more...
[Posted: 2016-03-19 04:17:23]
Pasquale Rocco's documentary
WWII Pasquale Rocco, Sergeant in the 29th Infantry Dividion Read more...
[Posted: 2016-01-15 11:23:49]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
Every time when I go to Normandy I pay my respect to Henry Herman Wolters and send the photo's from his grave to his Family.
Honored by Herman Wolters
[Posted: 2024-02-29 20:28:14]
Samuel Clinton Palmer Service ID: 35803938 From: Tallega, Lee County, Ky Birth Date November 28, 1924 Casualty Date June 6, 1944 Army Corporal HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 116 Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division Casualty Type KIA - Kill in Action Location: Omaha Beach, Normandy, France
Honored by Jeffrey Palmer
[Posted: 2023-12-25 14:40:54]
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29th Division, 115th Regiment
After Action Report
The 115th Infantry landed at 1025 hours, with the 1st and 2nd Battalions abreast on Fox Green beach, about 1000 yards east of that part of the beach on which it was intended to land. The 2nd Battalion on the right crossed the beach and started up the cliff, making slow progress due to mines. The progress of the 1st Battalion on the left was faster. It pushed inland to the south of St. Laurent, reaching there about dark. This battalion was subjected to heavy fire from snipers and mortar fire throughout the night. Lt. Col. Richard C. Blatt became fatally wounded by mortar fire. The 2nd Battalion attempted to capture St. Laurent, but was unsuccessful. It then moved to the south of the town, into the woods, about one-half mile to the west. Regimental Headquarters landed with the landing battalions, and remained on the beach under artillery fire until 1600 hours. At 1630 hours, the headquarters moved the CP inland to a trail cast of St. Laurent. During the night 6-7 June the 3rd Battalion moved to the outskirts of St. Laurent. At daybreak the attacked the town and by midmorning had secured it. They then pushed toward Louvieres. The 2nd Battalion was held in the woods all through the day. The 1st Battalion moved to the woods about 1200 yards to the west of St. Laurent. During the morning the CP moved into St. Laurent sur Mer severe sniper fire. In the afternoon it was moved further forward, to the rear of the 2nd Battalion...