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NEWS: [See all News]
Raymond S. HOBACK - 29th Division.
Bedford Boys Fallen - Raymond Samuel HOBACK never had a chance to reach 100 years old today. Instead, he sacrified his life for our freedom... Raymond may have made it out of his landing craft, but he never made it to shore. Others recall seeing his body in the water. Bedford also failed to make in on the beach. He was killed by an exploding 88mm shell. Their time in the battle could be measured in minutes... [American D-Day facebookRead more...
[Posted: 2020-01-21 22:40:05]
RIP - Robert GIGUERE - Navy.
It is with heavy heart we learn the passing of Mr. Robert GIGUERE, a veteran of D-Day (Normandy)... He was 93... Four days earlier, Giguere rode across the choppy English Channel toward the Normandy coast with the Sixth Naval Beach Battalion. When his carrier grounded on the beach, a Teller mine detonated from beneath and tore through the ship's hull, Killing several soldiers below deck... [American D-Day facebookRead more...
[Posted: 2020-01-21 22:58:23]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
Pvt. Goldstein fought in Fox Company, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division (the legendary “Big Red One”). He formed part of an assault platoon storming Omaha Beach in the first wave, at 6.40 am, under the guns of a German strong point. All the officers in his company had been wounded or
Honored by Lesley Sterling
[Posted: 2021-02-20 13:22:16]
Your precious life was sacrificed for all our tomorrow's Never to be forgotten. Bernice Marmion Pope
Honored by Bernice Marmion Pope
[Posted: 2020-06-06 20:07:19]
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29th Division, 104th Medical Bn.
After Action Report
Company A attached to the 115th Combat Team was divided into craft loads and embarked in LST 454 and LST 456 for the Invasion Coast of France at Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer on the 1st of June. While awaiting debarkation, personnel and Officers aboard LST 454 assisted the Navy in treating the evacuated casualties. The company debarked in three (3) sections without suffering casualties and reformed as a functioning unit on 8 June 1944, made contact with the Combat Team and established a station South of Asnieres.
Company B, attached to the 116th Infantry Combat Team, was stationed in Marshalling Area along the Southern coast of England. The company was broken down into nine (9) separate boat load groups, each in their respective areas. The orders came to proceed to the loading points at Portland and Weymouth, England, and the company proceed to the Hards and was loaded on the following crafts : (17) enlisted men on LST 412, (2) Officers and (12) enlisted men on LST 408, (1) enlisted man on LCI 32, (1) enlisted man on APA 5, (1) Officer and (41) enlisted men on LCI 532, (1) Officer and (16) enlisted men on LCI 2 and (1) Officer and (60) enlisted men on LCI 533. As the craft completed their loading, they pulled away from the Hards and anchored in Portland and Weymouth harbors until 5 June 1944. At 1600 hours, 5 June 1944, the crafts lifted anchor, assembled at sea and preceded to the coast of France. At 0800 hours, 6 June 1944, the first three (3) men of this company landed on the Coast of France with the first group of the 116th Infantry. At 0840 hours, Lieutenant Charles Giese, litter platoon Commander, with (41) litter bearers, landed and gave first aid to the men on the beach and evacuated them to a point above the high water mark. Two (2) squads continued this work while the other litter bearers proceeded through a draw east of Beach exit D-3 and evacuated 1st Division casualties to a collecting point on the each. They proceeded to Saint-Laurent, being unable to reach Vierville-sur-Mer because of heavy enemy small arms fire. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Ralph Maxwell, with (60) enlisted men had landed near D-3 beach exit at about 0800 hours and started to give first aid to the wounded on the beach, giving plasma and acting as an Aid Station. The (2) groups of litter bearers at about 1800 hours and during the evening started evacuation of beach casualties to small boats. At 1700 hours, 6 June 1944, Lieutenant Shelley with (16) enlisted men landed east of Beach Exit D-1 and began giving first aid to the wounded on the beach. They were joined at 1800 hours by Captain Lester N. Kolman and Captain Anson R. Hyde with (12) enlisted men and (6) vehicles, two (2) of which were lost when they attempted to land in high water. During the evening, these groups evacuated casualties to collecting points from the western extremity of the beach. The beach at this time was under a heavy concentration of enemy artillery, mortar and small arms fire. On 7 June 1944 at 0900 hours, Lieutenant Giese and his men tried to reach Vierville, but were unsuccessful because of enemy fire. They then joined the 2nd Battalion of the 115th Infantry and evacuated their casualties from the woods South of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer. Lieutenant Maxwell and his men began to operate along the Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer Road, evacuating casualties from the 115th Combat Team to the Beach and they continued this work until the early morning of 8 June 1944. Early in the morning of 7 June 1944, Captain Hyde an Lieutenant Shelley proceeded with their men to an assembly area south of Vierville, while Captain Lester N. Kolman remained on the Beach with (8) men and three (3) ambulances to complete the evacuation of the beach. These ambulances were later seen in the assembly area, but at daybreak on 7 June 1944, the entire area was covered by heavy enemy small arms fire from all sides. Because of this, the group returned to the D-1 Beach exit, but no contact had been made with Captain Kolman and his men. On 7 June 1944, the Company was still operating in the vicinity of Vierville and Saint-Laurent Beach area, and at 1330 hours, (17) enlisted men and (5) vehicles landed on Dog Red Beach under enemy fire and proceeded to Saint-Laurent. At that time, Saint-Laurent, Vierville and Pointe du Hoc were being attacked by our troops and various sections of the Company were supporting the Infantry units in the attack. At 1330 hours, 7 June 1944, (17) enlisted men and (5) vehicles landed on Dog Red Beach and then proceeded to the assembly area and joined the rest of the company on 8 June 1944...
On 1 June 1944, the vanguard of Company C, consisting of (5) Officers and (92) enlisted men entrucked at 2315 hours from Marshalling Area, D-12, Helston, Cornwall, England for embarkation. The company reached the Helford control point at 0225 hours, 2 June 1944 where they marched (1?) miles to Helford Hard No. 5-1 and boarded LST 409 at 0350 hours. The ship weighed at 0510 hours, sailed (3) miles to Falmouth Harbor until 5 June 1944 on which date the ship again weighed anchor at 0434 hours and sailed into the English Channel. At 0620 hours, 6 June 1944, the amplifying system aboard ship gave notice to all personnel that the continent of Europe had been invaded by Allied troops. On 7 June 1944, Company C, intact, landed on the invasion beach at Vierville-sur-Mer at 1410 hours where considerable time was lost by snipers and combat troops moving into position. The unit marched to area arriving at 2010 hours. Remaining in the same area on 8 June 1944, the unit set up a station and treated (120) casualties. Advancing in support of the 175th Combat Team to which the unit was attached, a station was established in area at 0145 hours, 9 June 1944?
On 1 June 1944, the first group of Clearing Company, consisting of (5) Officers and (32) enlisted men, Major Francis N. Mangold in command, left Marshalling Area at 2330 hours and travelled 28 miles via truck convoy to board LST 497 arriving there at 0445 hours. The second group of Clearing Company consisting of (3) Officers and (22) enlisted men, Captain Michael L. Buckley in charge and third group of Clearing Company consisting of (5) Officers and (36) enlisted men, Captain Phillip R. Turner in charge remained in Marshalling Area. On 2 June 1944, Groups II and III left Marshalling Area at 1530 hours and travelled (12) miles to Falmouth Hards and there boarded LST 337 at 1930 hours. On 3 June 1944 and 4 June 1944, the entire company was aboard LSTs in harbor. On 5 June 1944, Group I on LST 497 left Hards at Foway at 0050 hours in convoy a route for Invasion coast of France. Weather - poor. Group II and III remained in Harbor. On 6 June 1944, Group I aboard LST 497 sighted Coast of France at 1600 hours. Distance travelled - 300 miles. Weather - poor. Sea - rough. Group II and III on LST 337, left Falmouth at 0630 hours in convoy for invasion coast of France. On 7 June 1944, Group I in LST 497 anchored off beachhead preparatory for debarkation. Grup II and III arrived off Beachhead at 0800. Group III left LST at 1330 hours and landed on beach amongst heavy enemy artillery fire. Treated first casualties en route to bivouac area with the 6th Engineer Shore Brigade Clearing Station. On 8 June 1944, Group II left LST 497 at 2000 hours and joined Group III and bivouaced at the 6th ESB Clearing Company Area. Group II disembarked amidst enemy air attack at 2300, witnessed first enemy aircraft destroyed by AAA fire and bivouaced in transit area at Vierville-sur-Mer. On 9 June 1944, all three group reunited (4) miles northwest of Vierville and bivouaced in this area. On 10 June 1944, entire company left area (4) miles northwest of Vierville at 1830 hours and travelled (8) miles to Longueville, where 1st Platoon set up an Ambulance Relay Post for the invasion forces.
On 1 June 1944, preparations were completed for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment to vacate Marshalling Area (195655). Left Marshalling Area at 2300 hours to board LST 497. Colonel Ericksen, Captain Byrd, Captain Mattius, and Captain Hitz and (16) enlisted men of Headquarters Detachment left Marshalling Area to board LST 497. (Group I). On 2 June 1944, Group II, which consisted of Major Faries, Captain (CH) Johnson, Lieutenant Bost, Mr. Phipps, and (6) enlisted men vacated Marshalling Area E-13 and boarded LST 337. Group I arrived at loading area on Carricks Roads at 0130 hours for early meal and departed loading area at 0445 hours to board LST 497. Hq and Hq Detachment boarded LST at 1010 hours. Quarters were assigned to Officers and enlisted men and instructions to troops were issued. LST convoy consisted of (11) LSTs. Convoy left Hards for Falmouth and then proceeded to Fowey anchoring for the night. Distance travelled to LST - 28 miles. On 3 June 1944, usual duties were accomplished aboard ship. On 4 June 1944 LST left Fowey at 0130 hours and arrived at Nenton Ferries and returned back to Fowey at 1530. This was a dry run. On 5 June 1944, LST 497 left Fowey at 0050 hours for invasion of the continent of Europe. On 6 June 1944, arrived at Beachhead, Vierville-sur-Mer. Distance travelled - 300 miles. On 7 June 1944 (127) casualties were transferred to LST 497 from Beachhead. Medical Officers and personnel of this Battalion rendered medical assistance and some major surgery was performed. This was due to shortage of Navy Medical personnel on LST 497. On 8 June 1944, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment disembarked at 2000 hours, reach Beach without casualties and bivouaced with the 6th Engineer Shore Brigade Clearing Station. Group II left LST 337 at 2330 hours. On 9 June 1944, Group I left area of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer and joined with Group II at Vierville Battalion CP and Division Medical Supply functioning.