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NEWS: [See all News]
Sub-Lieutenant George "Jimmy" Green, 551 Flotilla, has died.
We have just learned that Jimmy Green has died. Sub-Lieutenant George Green carried the men of the A company, 116th Regiment, 29th Division onto Dog Green, Omaha Beach on landing craft in the very first minutes of the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944. Read more...
[Posted: 2016-05-14 09:33:04]
Virginia Beach - Cary Lee Jarvis, 94, of Virginia Beach, died April 28, 2016
He was a staff sergeant when he landed D-Day, first wave, on Omaha beach, a member of the C-Battery of the 111th Artillery Battalion, 29th Division.  Read more...
[Posted: 2016-05-03 19:10:18]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
Remembering you today, Uncle Jack, on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I shall NEVER forget your service and your sacrifice. May God hold you in the palm of His hand, until we meet, again.
Honored by Diane Mulvey
[Posted: 2024-06-06 18:50:12]
May John and all his comrades - rest in eternal peace. Forever grateful for your sacrifice to provide our freedom. God Bless.
Honored by Bill and Patsy Galiher
[Posted: 2024-06-05 20:58:12]
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29th Division, 29th Signal Co.
After Action Report
In the invasion of French coast by the 29th Infantry Division, the 29th Signal Company played a prominent part in establishing and maintaining communications in support of the assault forces. The company was divided into three operating echelons as follows: Advance Division Headquarters Group, Division Headquarters, and Division Rear Group. The advance Group consisted of two officers and forty-six enlisted men with signal equipment necessary to establish a CP ashore. The first element of the Advance Group of the 29th Signal Company landed on Easy Green Beach, Normandy, France, on D-Day at approximately 0900 hours, 6th of June 1944 while the beach was under constant artillery and small arms fire. First communications were established at Brigadier General Cota's initial CP located in defilade on the beach some twenty-five yards from the water line. Contact with 1st US Infantry Division, 116th Infantry Regiment and the Engineer Shore Brigade was established by radio at 0930 hours. At 1400 B hours the CP was moved inland some three hundred yards under shelter of a bluff overlooking the beach. At 1700 hours the CP was again moved inland to the outskirts of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, where wire communications were established to V Corps, 1st US Infantry Division, 116th Infantry Regiment, and the Engineer Shore Brigade.
Communications were maintained through the night of D-Day and D+1 under most hazardous conditions and at 1600 B hours, 7th June 1944 the Advance CP Group rejoined the main Division CP located in a rock quarry one hundred yards from the beach on the road leading from the beach exit to Vierville-sur-Mer. At approximately 2000 B hours 8th June 1944, the 29th Division CP was established in a chateau in Vierville-sur-Mer.
Throughout the 8th June 1944, the main Division Headquarters Group of the Signal Company landed on Dog Red Beach, Normandy, France, after remaining afloat off the beaches since 6th June. Signal communications for the new Division CP were installed immediately in Vierville-sur-Mer. Signal Company personnel installed, maintained, and operated communications for the Division CP and from Division CP to the regiments.