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NEWS: [See all News]
Sub-Lieutenant George "Jimmy" Green, 551 Flotilla, has died.
We have just learned that Jimmy Green has died. Sub-Lieutenant George Green carried the men of the A company, 116th Regiment, 29th Division onto Dog Green, Omaha Beach on landing craft in the very first minutes of the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944. Read more...
[Posted: 2016-05-14 09:33:04]
Virginia Beach - Cary Lee Jarvis, 94, of Virginia Beach, died April 28, 2016
He was a staff sergeant when he landed D-Day, first wave, on Omaha beach, a member of the C-Battery of the 111th Artillery Battalion, 29th Division.  Read more...
[Posted: 2016-05-03 19:10:18]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
Remembering you today, Uncle Jack, on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I shall NEVER forget your service and your sacrifice. May God hold you in the palm of His hand, until we meet, again.
Honored by Diane Mulvey
[Posted: 2024-06-06 18:50:12]
May John and all his comrades - rest in eternal peace. Forever grateful for your sacrifice to provide our freedom. God Bless.
Honored by Bill and Patsy Galiher
[Posted: 2024-06-05 20:58:12]
   1 - 2 / 135 messages   
2nd Ranger Battalion, Headquarters
Narrative History - Force B
The following narratives of the D-Day actions of the three Forces were compiled from memory-histories written by eyewitnesses one month following the action. The actions of Force A on Pointe du Hoe and Forces B and C on Omaha Beach, being composed of a multiple of individual and small unit actions, cannot be completely portrayed in these narratives which are necessarily based on eyewitness accounts of but a portion of the men taking part in the action. To cover this need and to provide a thorough, factual history of the D-Day actions on Pointe du Hoe and Omaha Dog Green Beach, Lt Col Taylor of the War Department Historical Section conducted a series of personal interviews with the D-Day veterans during October, 1944; the sum of which is at present in the process of publication. The following narrative-histories have been checked with the draft copy of this report and were found to be correct.

The Plan of Attack:
Force "B", consisting of Company C, commanded by Captain Goranson, was to land with Company A/116th Infantry at H+3-minutes on Omaha Dog Green Beach, Vierville-sur-Mer, and destroy the installations located on Pointe El Raz de la Percee. Upon the completion of this initial mission, Company C was to proceed along the cliff line, destroying all installations along the route taken, to Pointe du Hoe. One Amphibious Tank Platoon, two if necessary, was to be "On call" to the Company for the initial mission. Company C/116th Infantry was to provide flanking protection during the movement to Pointe du Hoe.

The Beach Assault:
Company C, consisting of three officers and 65 men, lowered away at 0430 and proceeded to the rendezvous area where to contact was made with Company A/116th Infantry. The run-in to the beach was hampered by heavy seas, causing the majority of the men become seasick. Near shore, AT fire scored several direct hits on one of the LCA's, smashing the ramp and causing severe casualties. The men disembarked into the face of intense rifle, MG, mortar, and artillery fire. Moving individually, slowed down to a walk by their illness and the soft, water-soaked sand, the survivors had to cross almost 300 yards of exposed beach before coming under the cover of the cliffs to the East of Exit D-1. The casualties suffered in crossing the beach were:
19 KIA; 13 SWA; 5 LWA, who elected to remain duty.

The Subsequent Action:
The intensive enemy fire making movement thru the Beach Exit impossible, Plan 2 was put into effect. One officer and two men moved along the cliff to the East until a spot was found where free-hand climbing was possible. Ascending the cliff and making fast several ropes which had been brought along for that purpose, this party then guided the remainder of the Company "top-side". One LCA containing 116th Infantry troops touched-down at this position and twenty men of Company B/116th Infantry were also brought up the ropes. Reconnaissance patrols brought back the information that enemy troops located in the house and surrounding entrenchments to the West of the Company's position were placing enfilade fire on the beach. The area had been subjected to forty-five minutes of Naval bombardment but, even tho the house was partially destroyed, the enemy had reoccupied the positions. Captain Goranson decided to even tho the house was partially destroyed, the enemy had reoccupied the position. Captain Goranson decided to clear out this position before proceeding to East to the initial objective. Small combat patrols cleaned out a number of mortar and MG emplacements, but the enemy continued to reinforce the garrison with troops who made entry into the position from Vierville by means of concealed passages. The Company was forced to remain in the locality to wipe out these new arrivals as fast as they appeared. By mid-afternoon, when this flow of reinforcements ceased, sixty-nine enemy had been killed at a price of two casualties to the Company.
At about 1430, Captain Goranson led a patrol East to reconnoiter Pointe Percee. The party arrived in position from where they could observe the Pointe, just in time to watch the close-in destroyer knock out the position with direct hits. Satisfied that the mission of destroying Pointe El Raz de la Percee was completed. Captain Goranson then returned to his Company. A destroyer started to open fire on Company C's position about this time but an alert Observer on the beach soon caused this fire to stop.
Contact was later established with the 116th Infantry and Company C moved down to the Beach Exit. A patrol from Force "C" was contacted here and, upon receiving the location of that Force, Company C proceeded thereto without incident, arriving at the Force bivouac area at about 2200-hours.
From this point on, Company C worked with Force "C".