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WWII D-Day veteran, awarded France's Legion of Honor
It’s June 6, 1944, Joseph Petrucci is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with 30-some fellow comrades in a landing craft hurtling through the English Channel toward Omaha Beach. Read more...
[Posted: 2016-04-29 07:24:18]
D-Day veteran Verdun Hayes celebrates 100th birthday
D-Day veteran Verdun Hayes made the jump at Dunkeswell Airfield near Honiton, Devon, to raise money for the North Devon Hospice. Read more...
[Posted: 2016-04-28 06:29:32]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
Samuel Clinton Palmer Service ID: 35803938 From: Tallega, Lee County, Ky Birth Date November 28, 1924 Casualty Date June 6, 1944 Army Corporal HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 116 Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division Casualty Type KIA - Kill in Action Location: Omaha Beach, Normandy, France
Honored by Jeffrey Palmer
[Posted: 2023-12-25 14:40:54]
I had the great honor of visiting the Normandy American Cemetery in June, 2023. I walked the grounds until I found a Texas soldier. It was that of Edward J Lahaye. It was truly a moving experience. I hoped to reach out to his family with a photo of his cross, but see it is already posted on this
Honored by Lil Metzger
[Posted: 2023-07-23 04:48:28]
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Sergeant Dalmain H. Estes

467th Automatic Weapon Battalion
Battery C

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At dawn on the morning of June 6, 1944, we could see the French Coast as we circled prior to making our run for the beach. I watched through binoculars as men were mowed down by machine gun and rifle fires. I watched as many crafts were hit in the water and either sunk or listed to one side, I watched as one landing craft, full of tanks, stopped too far out and when the tanks disembarked they sank. I watched as my Caption Grzybek's jeep took oft the ramp and he and his driver went down in about one hundred feet of water and they had to swim to shore. I watched as men from landing crafts floundered in the deep water, trying to reach the shore before they drowned. I watched a couple of tanks made it to shore and were knocked out and burned with men pouring out of the turrets.
The landing beach was a mess, dead men, knocked out equipment and others trying to land behind us. It was mass confusion-landing crafts were landing too far off shore some were landing in the wrong zones, men were being separated from their units, many men were hit in the water and either died of the wounds or drowned.
Men were trying to help the wounded only to get hit themselves. Salvos of artillery, rocket fires, machine gun and rifle fire continued from the Germans above us down onto the beach and it was simple to see we had to make the shelter of the bluffs as soon as possible, and them up on top as soon as the exit was cleared.
Our radio man had both legs blown off within fifteen minutes after we hit the beach, our medic was blown away (we believe by a direct mortar hit) Staff Sergeant Greenlee who was shot in the buttocks would not be able to serve with us for some time, several of our other squads suffered injuries.
It was approximately 300 yards from the water to the protection of the bluffs. We kept the half- track moving forward, several of us not on the guns moved from cove to cove, we took cover under a tank and then it was hit "There were no atheists on the beach that day." We all looked to God for help... Smoke and the stench of war was everywhere, we finally reached the top of the bluff. We were delayed at the crest of the exit and we viewed Omaha Beach with awe as it was really a mess-bombed out buildings-vehicles burning-barges sunk at the shore and bodies lying sprawled in the sand.
Private First Class Shelton and I decided to look inside the large bunker overlooking the beach at Saint Laurent sur Mer. I took a Nazi flag laying on the concrete casement and stuck it my battle jacketed returned the flag to the Mayor of Saint Laurent sur Mer fifty years later when my son and I returned for the anniversary of D-Day.

Posted: July 16, 2011
Copyright: Laurent Lefebvre

Dalmain H. Estes - 6 June 2005