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NEWS: [See all News]
William D'Huyvetters recalls hitting Omaha Beach on D-Day
Uncle Sam said he needed me. I was drafted into the Army and had basic training at Camp Croft, S.C., along with Henry Kissinger, the future secretary of state for Nixon. We called him Henny. He was a heck of a nice guy, a smart cookie. He wasn't in my company, but sure, I talked to him. Read more...
[Posted: 2016-03-19 04:17:23]
Pasquale Rocco's documentary
WWII Pasquale Rocco, Sergeant in the 29th Infantry Dividion Read more...
[Posted: 2016-01-15 11:23:49]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
May John and all his comrades - rest in eternal peace. Forever grateful for your sacrifice to provide our freedom. God Bless.
Honored by Bill and Patsy Galiher
[Posted: 2024-06-05 20:58:12]
Every time when I go to Normandy I pay my respect to Henry Herman Wolters and send the photo's from his grave to his Family.
Honored by Herman Wolters
[Posted: 2024-02-29 20:28:14]
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Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of D-day. The beach is located on the coast of Normandy, France, facing the English Channel, and is 5 miles long, from east of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes to west of Vierville-sur-Mer on the right bank of the Douve River estuary.
Landings here were necessary in order to link up the British landings to the east at Gold Beach with the American landing to the west at Utah beach, thus providing a continuous lodgement on the Normandy coast.
On D-day, the 29th US Infantry Division, joined by 2nd Ranger and 5th Ranger Battalions redirected from Pointe du Hoc, were to assault the western half of the beach. The 1st US Infantry Division was given the eastern half.
Omaha was divided into height sectors, codenamed (from west to east): Charlie, Dog Green, Dog White, Dog Red, Easy Green, Easy Red, Fox Green and Fox Red.
Very little went as planned during the landing at Omaha Beach. Difficulties in navigation caused the majority of landing craft to miss their targets throughout the day. The defenses were unexpectedly strong, and inflicted heavy casualties on landing US troops. Weakened by the casualties taken just in landing, the surviving assault troops could not clear the heavily defended exits off the beach. Small penetrations were eventually achieved by groups of survivors making improvised assaults, scaling the bluffs between the most heavily defended points.

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