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Trump to visit France for D-Day 75th anniversary
US President Donald Trump is to visit Normandy in June this year for the 75th anniversary commemorations of D-Day, he has said. Mr Trump made the announcement during a reception of World War II veterans in the Presidential Oval Office, at the White House, in Washington DC. [Connexion FranceRead more...
[Posted: 2019-04-30 09:01:00]
Bernard DARGOLS, 98, died April 28, 2019
We have just learned that Bernard DARGOLS has died. Bernard DARGOLS landed on Omaha Beach with 2nd Infantry Division. Read more...
[Posted: 2019-04-29 22:00:00]
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WALL - IN MEMORY OF: [See all Messages]
I had the great honor of visiting the Normandy American Cemetery in June, 2023. I walked the grounds until I found a Texas soldier. It was that of Edward J Lahaye. It was truly a moving experience. I hoped to reach out to his family with a photo of his cross, but see it is already posted on this
Honored by Lil Metzger
[Posted: 2023-07-23 04:48:28]
Today our family remembers our brave husband, father and grandfather who left a wife and daughter to serve and fight for the freedom we enjoy today. Thank you James!!! And, thank you citizens of the Normandy region for your appreciation and gratitude shown during our visits.
Honored by Jim Shafer
[Posted: 2023-06-11 01:08:37]
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Let us remember those young soldiers who changed the course of history with their sacrifice. Let us commit ourselves to remembering their sacrifice by cherishing the freedom they bought for all generations that follow. Honored by Laurent Lefebvre [June 3, 2024]

Sergeant Washburn landed at Omaha Beach with the third wave of soldiers, between 6:30 and 7 a.m. He was killed while attempting to advance and wipe out a machine gun nest which was pouring deadly fire into the ranks of American soldiers. Honored by Amy Grochowski [2014-05-27 16:41:02]

This is my great-uncle. My grandparents honored him by giving my father the middle name, Noel. My oldest son is also nicknamed, Noel. I am so thankful for the great sacrifices so many made for our freedom, and honored to have had family member who gave his all for his country, God and family. Honored by Amy Grochowski [2014-05-27 16:38:29]

Martinsville Daily Bulletin, Martinsville, Virginia 12/12/1947 FIRST REBURIAL RITES ARE HELD HERE FOR MARTINSVILLE SOLDIER The skies were overcast as the final rites for Staff Sgt. Noel Washburn were conducted yesterday in Oakwood cemetery. Comrades of the dead soldier, members of Martinsville's Honored by Amy Grochowski [2014-05-27 16:35:30]
To read 29th Infantry Division documents (after action report, diary, journal,...)
The Battalion landed as a whole about as the overlay indicates. "M" was supposed to land in the center but actually came in on the left on the Battalion. If the overlay is consulted, it will be seen...(Group Critique Notes, 29th Division, 116th Regiment, 3rd Bn., M Co. )