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NEWS: [Voir toutes les News]
Raymond S. HOBACK - 29th Division.
Bedford Boys Fallen - Raymond Samuel HOBACK never had a chance to reach 100 years old today. Instead, he sacrified his life for our freedom... Raymond may have made it out of his landing craft, but he never made it to shore. Others recall seeing his body in the water. Bedford also failed to make in on the beach. He was killed by an exploding 88mm shell. Their time in the battle could be measured in minutes... [American D-Day facebookLire plus...
[Posté le: 2020-01-21 22:40:05]
RIP - Robert GIGUERE - Navy.
It is with heavy heart we learn the passing of Mr. Robert GIGUERE, a veteran of D-Day (Normandy)... He was 93... Four days earlier, Giguere rode across the choppy English Channel toward the Normandy coast with the Sixth Naval Beach Battalion. When his carrier grounded on the beach, a Teller mine detonated from beneath and tore through the ship's hull, Killing several soldiers below deck... [American D-Day facebookLire plus...
[Posté le: 2020-01-21 22:58:23]
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MUR - EN MEMOIRE DE: [Voir tous les Messages]
This young hero was his mother’s only child and my father’s cousin. I’ve thought about him often over the past several days, as I do every year at this time. I wish I knew more about him and had a photo of him. I honor his sacrifice and the sacrifice of all the men and women who secured our
Honoré par Reva Thoroughman
[Posté le: 2019-06-07 05:55:46]
Ingram, you have not been forgotten, thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Honoré par Peter Warren
[Posté le: 2019-06-06 23:09:23]
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  B-24 - ##915  
8TH AF, 2ND BD, 96TH CBW, 466TH BG (MISSION #47)
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