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NEWS: [Voir toutes les News]
Trump to visit France for D-Day 75th anniversary
US President Donald Trump is to visit Normandy in June this year for the 75th anniversary commemorations of D-Day, he has said. Mr Trump made the announcement during a reception of World War II veterans in the Presidential Oval Office, at the White House, in Washington DC. [Connexion FranceLire plus...
[Posté le: 2019-04-30 09:01:00]
Bernard DARGOLS, 98, died April 28, 2019
We have just learned that Bernard DARGOLS has died. Bernard DARGOLS landed on Omaha Beach with 2nd Infantry Division. Lire plus...
[Posté le: 2019-04-29 22:00:00]
   3 - 4 / 25 news   
MUR - EN MEMOIRE DE: [Voir tous les Messages]
Every time when I go to Normandy I pay my respect to Henry Herman Wolters and send the photo's from his grave to his Family.
Honoré par Herman Wolters
[Posté le: 2024-02-29 20:28:14]
Samuel Clinton Palmer Service ID: 35803938 From: Tallega, Lee County, Ky Birth Date November 28, 1924 Casualty Date June 6, 1944 Army Corporal HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 116 Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division Casualty Type KIA - Kill in Action Location: Omaha Beach, Normandy, France
Honoré par Jeffrey Palmer
[Posté le: 2023-12-25 14:40:54]
   3 - 4 / 135 messages   
  BUTLER JOHN E était à Omaha Beach  

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